Imo House Of Assembly In The Eyes Of History. BY (DR) CHUKS OSUJI

Understandably, there are so many Imo persons including those at home and in diaspora who are watching the behaviours of the current Imo House of Assembly under the Speakership of Rt. Hon. Acho Ihim. Since the life of the current Legislature, so many anti-legislative and anti-democractic behaviours have been displayed.


Perhaps, this is a turnover behaviour which the legislature inherited from the Ben Uwajumogu’s legacy of monumental anti-legislative processes and behaviours. It is absolutely not necessary here to begin to recall most of these anti-legislative behaviours. Because, they are not only fresh in the minds of Imo citizens but constitute the most cause of anger among the citizens of Imo State.

As far as I know, the current membership of the Legislature is composed of brilliant young men and few ladies whose standing at the bar of public opinion cannot just be wished away. But surprisingly and shockingly, there are so many actions of the lagislators which bring their legislative nicety to constant and serious question. May be, they think that if the people remain quiet without reacting gives them the impetus to be legislatively reckless, doing things that do not conform to simple constitutional decency. Spasmodically but steadily, the House would try to do something, expecting reactions from the public, when such does not come, they would embark on another reckless behaviour without caring for the feelings of those who elected them or at least, without listening to their conscencies or remembering the judgement of history.


Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, the House under Benjamin Uwajumogu without proper recourse to laid down constitutional provision through MIXIGBUO process removed Jude Agbaso from his seat as the Deputy Governor of Imo State. Aithough they succeeded in removing him, the scar is still at the bar of historical record.

For sometime now, this has been rumouring in the press and in the social media that the current Legislature is planning to impeach the Deputy Governor; Prince Eze Madumere for which any members of the public understand as an action that bothers on allegations because he has refused to contest for Owerri Senatorial Seat as advised by his boss, the Governor. Since then, it has been said that the Deputy Governor has been subjected to all manner of social marginalization either to force him out or to turn the public opnion against him.


And in order to get him removed through an impeachment, four members of the House without proper procedure were summarily suspended from the legislature on grounds of what the Leadership termed ‘umparliamentary behaviour.’ Since the case is in the court, it will be very nice not to indulge in it so as not to interfer with court’s prosecces.

Now it is said that the House which is on recess has gone ahead to issue what it considers to be impeachable offenses against the Deputy Governor. The news of this action has roused a lot of concern in the State, thereby hightening the already heightened political tension. One thing is certain, the framers of Constitutional or Democractic Governance have made provisions for the existence of the Judiciary which can serve as a check and balance on the excesses of either the Legislature or the Executive at any level.

Many who know Prince Eze Madumere including you truly and strong believe that he is a man of peace and integrity who is likely to exhust to the logical conclusion in his response to these bogus impeachment offences. After all, the State does not need any violence or society dislocation. The people are passing through the pressure and hardship of some harsh economic and social propencities and therefore, will not be prepared to resort to any behaviour in favour of Prince Madumere, which he can never subscribe to.


There is no doubt that given his nature and qualities of peace and tranquility, and as a man of rule of law, he is defenitely going to respond to this pressure from Imo Legislature in the most peaceful and peaceable ways possible And in doing that, his image and standing in the public will be enhanced. Above all, his strong faith in his destiny will see him through by the divine intervention. But more than that, History is waiting the Imo Legislature. Because, according to Arnold Smith, a great European Historian, “History is a two-way thorou-fare, it allows leaders to come in and go out which ever way they choose. History does not choose for them. And its verdict remains historically perpetual.”


It is very important to make this point very absolutely clear. An impeachment proceeding is a constitutional or Legislative process which must involve series of processes, it is not an end close thing. No matter how crudely the Legislature is willing to pursue this matter, they must ensure that every necessary due process is followed. After all, it is only tree that when told that it would be fell down still remains at its position without moving away. There is no doubt that Prince Madumere, the Deputy Governor of Imo State is a human being. He is likely to put his own defence including the huge public support he could move. The Legislature must follow every due process diligently in the full purview of the electorate. Once due process is followed with truth, no matter the outcome, it must be given the approval of the public.

However, when due process is not allowed, that is when the Deputy, his supporters and other men of conscience would be likely to ask questions to ensure that justice is done to everybody involved.
A Word Is Enough For The Wise.


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