Eddy Obinna As A Catalyst To The Growing Strength Of APC In Aboh Mbaise. BY MARTIN NWOKO

By Martin Nwoko (07038725504)

The dream and aspiration of every political party is to command a large number of registeredmembers because politics is said to be a game of numbers and not for the minority. It is not out of place when you see different political parties wooing a particular individual or group of persons to join its party in order to strengthen and as well enable it to emerge victorious during elections.

The defection of Hon. Chief Eddy Obinna (Ochoudo), Member representing the good people of Aboh Mbaise state Constituency at the Imo State House of Assembly from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress generated lots of controversies and misconceptions which today have fizzled out owing to the fact that his defection to APC which by virtue of the Supreme Court judgment of 14th January 2020 brought a change in government thereby connecting Imo State to the national politics.

As a visionary and pragmatic politician who understands the importance of his job to represent his constituents at the state Legislature, the Aboh Mbaise lawmaker did not fail to join the ruling party both at the federal and state level to ensure he delivers the dividends of democracy for which his people elected him for at the 2019 general election.

The noun dictionary definition of the word ‘catalyst’ refers to as a person or event that quickly causes change or action to happen.
Without sounding immodest, the eventual defection of Hon. Eddy Obinna (Ochoudo) to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) could be described as that catalyst responsible for the change and action happening in Aboh Mbaise APC and in Mbaise in general. As a man with a large grassroot support base, all his followers and supporters immediately joined him in APC as he defected to the national ruling party knowing that Hon. Eddy Obinna will not lead them to the wrong path, politically.
The myopic ones at that moment failed to know that as an elected representative of the people, it will take a firm connection to the ruling party APC to attract more dividends of democracy to one’s constituents who are always anticipating one support or the other on daily basis.

As a jolly-good fellow who’s doors are always open to welcome anyone seeking his audience, the personality of Ochoudo has continued to help his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) to grow beyond bounds and lips in Aboh Mbaise and the entire Mbaise in general. Today, notable individuals in Aboh Mbaise and Mbaise in general are joining the national party in their large numbers because of the rare qualities Hon. Eddy Obinna possess.

As a good party man, the Aboh Mbaise lawmaker has not failed to build bridges connecting his brothers and sisters even from other political parties to give way for their eventual joining to the All Progressive Congress (APC).

Worthy of note is the recent empowerment programme worth millions of naira Hon. Eddy Obinna splashed on his constituents on 21st December 2020 which could be described as mother of all empowerments in the area over the years. According to the scripture, faith without work is dead, equally any representation without meeting the needs of your constituents is dead too. The event saw Hon. Chief Eddy Obinna gifting different items to many benefitiaries drawn from Aboh Mbaise and its environ such as brand new cars, motorcycles, tailoring machines, hairdresser equipments, grinding machines, cash empowerment as well as to petty traders, wrappers to widows and indigent women in the area, barbing salon kits with generators and many other items to mention.

One of the best ways to preach gospel to the hungry and indigent is to provide their needs and meet their challenges.
To a large extent, the gospel of the All Progressives Congress (APC) was adequately preached that day to the good people of Aboh Mbaise and Mbaise in general which today have made the on going APC membership revalidation and registration exercise to record good success.

The vibrant lawmaker alongside other notable APC leaders in Aboh Mbaise and Mbaise in general have resolved to make the area 80% APC in no distant time going by the unwavering popularity the party is receiving in the area.
Hon. Eddy Obinna’s outstanding performance at the 9th Imo House of Assembly is second to none because he is among the best breeds in the state Legislature.
He has sponsored a good number of people oriented motion and bills drawing the state government attention to the plight of his Aboh Mbaise people and Imolites in general.

The personality of Hon. Eddy Obinna greatly matches with that of the Imo State Governor, Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma who believes so much in human capital development which is in line with his shared prosperity mantra in the state. As a representative of his people, Ochoudo has continued to represent his constituents interest with the required zeal and patriotism thereby bringing more dividends of democracy to Aboh Mbaise.

The growth of his party APC in Aboh Mbaise and Mbaise in general is something that will continue to be on the increase owing to the fact that Hon. Chief Eddy Obinna is a man of the people and his people believes so much in him following his antecedents and track record over the years.

To a large extent, the on going membership revalidation and registration exercise by the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the country could be said to be happening at the right time mostly for APC in Aboh Mbaise. The Aboh Mbaise lawmaker have greatly marketed the party through his outstanding performance and representation to his constituents. Today in Aboh Mbaise, notable individuals and group of persons are willingly joining the party to support the effort of Hon. Eddy Obinna to build up the support base of the party in the area.

It is said that the reward for success is more hard work , it is therefore expected that Hon. Chief Eddy Obinna (Ochoudo) will continue in his good work hinged on purposeful representation.



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