The Paradox Of Victims Of Paternal Abandonment. BY BRUNO UGOCHUWKU

Life is a mystery as no one knows its beginning and its end. Only God who ushered us into the world created by him, is the person who wrote a book on each of our lives experiences and he knows our prologue and epilogue.

Marriage is the foundation of the family that has been plagued with series of paternal abandonment of children, which led many children became victims of single parenting and in most cases which resulted in the father abandoning the children leaving them in the hands of their single mothers owing to the divorces and separation pervading in the family.

As this incidents occurs, God has used it to uplift the victim to stardom and they became men who have accomplished greater task in the society. Just as the bible said in Isaiah 49:15 Can awoman forget her nursing child that she should have compassion on the son of her womb? Even those may forget, yet him will not forget you god is saying, even those may forget, yet I will not forget you. God is saying, even if your father abandoned you, he will use the ugly incident and use you to uplift your family as he did in the lives of this unique world leaders namely: Dr. Ben Carson, barrack Obama and senator Tim Scott.

DR. BEN CARSON:He was abandoned by his father at the age of 8years, but God uplifted him. He is currently a retired American neurosurgeon, he became the director of pediatrics neurosurgery at the age of 33 years at john Hopkins hospital Maryland USA, during the administration of Trump, he served as the 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2017-2021. He was a candidate for president of the United States in the 2016 Republican primaries.

BARACK OBAMA: He was abandoned by his father at the age of 3 years as God destined it for him. He served as a senator representing Illinois in USA and at the end, he became the first black American to occupy the office of president of United States of America.

SENATOR TIM SCOTT:he was abandoned by his father at an infancy stage. He is the first African American senator from South Carolina who is representing them in the USA Senate. He is a good national leader.

The bible said in genesis 50:20 you thought evil against me but God turned it into good as he might exalt me and use me to save lives. Just as this ugly incident happened to many, God will use it to uplift the victims to stardom and accomplish greater exploits.

I will advise all the victims of parental abandonment to focus on God as the Bible said tin Psalm 68:5 that God is a father to the fatherless, and strive to incorporatemoral virtues in order to become great future leaders, husbands and fathers.

Marriage is the foundation of the family that has been plagued with series of paternal abandonment of children, which led many children became victims of single parenting and in most cases which resulted in the father abandoning the children leaving them in the hands of their single mothers owing to the divorces and separation pervading in the family.

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