Is Nigeria A Broken Vehicle That Is Beyond Repair?.Prof NNAMDI OBIARERI

*Prof Nnamdi Obiareri*


Take some time and sincerely reflect on the copied post below and see whether you, I and we, can resolve that a new normal is possible.

“Nigeria is like a vehicle.
While you are fixing the brain box, someone has removed the tyres.

After fixing the tyres, you discover that the brake system has been damaged.

When done fixing the brain box, you find out that the battery had been stolen.

Done with those and about to start the engine, you realise that the Kickstarter is faulty.

You fix the Kickstarter, you discover that the plugs are gone.

When done with all these fixes with relief and excitement, and finally about to move at dusk in order to leave the dangerous spot, you then realise that the headlight bulbs are dead too.

While trying to figure that out, it begins to rain.

Unfortunately, the wipers are old and unable to wipe the rain water cascade on the windscreen.

For safety, you decide to park the car and sit out until the ebbing of the downpour, and as you attempt to roll up the windows, it is discovered the power controls aren’t working.

That’s the frustration one can sometimes face while trying to fix anything in Nigeria.”

The horrendous scenarios above are adopted and adapted chronicles of truisms that truly reflect the Nigerian conundrum

Which way Nigeria?What is the way forward since all agree that Nigeria can and should be fixed whether by restructuring or outright self-determination by constituent parts?

Nation building is not one man’s or one people’s business. It is a collective resolve and tenacious decision of all stakeholders including those in authority to stick together and make it work.

Is it impossible to fix Nigeria now before it becomes impossible to even come together to talk about it?

No one is an alarmist here because we have no other country to call our own.

The polity is so strewn with humongous ominious signs so much so that pretentiously hibernating under the traditional national faultlines will not do anyone or any group of people any good.

Nigeria can be made to work again for all Nigerians. Is that not a misplaced optimism?

A new normal is possible!

Prof Obiaraeri is my name, the ☆☆☆☆☆ 5-Star Civilian General etc.

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