Prince Alex Mbata’s Easter Message To The People Of Owerri Zone

by admin

My Brothers and Sisters,

I greet you as we mark another season of our salvation by the sufferings and triumph of the our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us all profit by the sacred lessons of this season which are, love, sacrifice, forgiveness and restoration of shared values and heritage.

Easter holds very important phase for all of us Christians. The lessons of the season are apt and eternal in our lives. We will continue to glorify God for the opportunity provided by this season for us to search our conscience and make restitution for a better and greater days. We thank God for His grace so complete and mercy so divine.

As your Brother and Son, I join you all in thanking God and praying for His continued blessings upon.

As I have made my intention known to you, to present myself as your servant- leader in the quest for a renewed Owerri Zone where everyone will be happy and proud. I reaffirm my sincere commitments and dedications to our shared values. As I ask for your support to represent you in the Senate, I do so with sincerity of purpose in the understanding and appreciation of the values we crave for.

My personal antecedents should guide you in your estimations and evaluations of your choice.

Yesterday, I expressed the interest and announced my availability to serve you under the political platform of The All Progressive Congress, APC. It is my firm belief that you will support the desire for a rebirth in our Zone.

Be informed always of my unfailing dedication to our heritage and resolve to provide a purposeful and people driven representation.

As I go on with this effort, I will neither talk down or abuse anyone, I will keep to the rules honestly and honourably because Owerri Zone belongs to all of us. My concern is our collective bargaining and development. I have always stood on this.

May this Easter bring God’s blessings and enablement to us to achieve our heart desires.

Happy Easter to all of us.

Prince Dr Alex Mbata, ABM.

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