Some years ago, I was invited to present a paper at the Institute of Applied Metaphysics India, the seminar was attended by great seculars from different parts of the world and I was privileged to talk on “The Manifestation of the Universal Master in the twenty-first Century”. Below is part of the lecture and it is published in this column for your enlightenment.
Astrology is the science of the influence of the heavenly bodies (sun, moon, Planets, stars) upon human affairs. It is a science that has its origin in Babylon. Astrology believe that the sun entered the zodiacal sign of Taurus approximately 4000 BC beginning the age of Taurus (4000-2000 BC). The age of Aries is dated from Abraham 2000 BC to the birth of Christ and the age of Pisces from the birth of Christ to the 20th century. According to this concept we are now living in the age of Aquarius, which is regarded as the Christian dispensation and the era of the fulfillment of bible prophecy. Some astrologers are of the opinion that we are already in the age of Aquarius.
Aquarius is a constellation of the northern hemisphere. In Astrology it is the eleventh house of the zodiac and is represented by a man bearing a Vessel of water. It means "water bearer" and in esoteric science it means the pouring out of the water of knowledge to humanity.
Astronomically due to what is called "the procession of the Equinoxes" the axis at the pole changes its direction over a period of about twenty-six thousand years describing a complete circle. This phenomenon of constant change is said to result in the vernal equinox (the time when the sun crosses the equator annually) entering one of the 12 constellations where it remains for approximately 2000 years.
According to astrologers the 20th century is said to be the end of the constellation Pisces and the birth of the 21th century opened the constellation Aquarius.The age (Aquarian age) which has replaced the age of Pisces will consequently be a time of universal brotherhood and an era of peace on earth. It will also be an age of technological and scientific advancement and a period that the Universal Master (Christ) second coming will be consummated.
While some astrologers believe we have entered the golden age, others believe that we entered the age many years ago. Which calculation is then correct? Let us now consider the measurement of an age or a generation by following Biblical Theology. There was a declaration that was made by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew “verily i say unto you this generation (age) shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled". Which age did He refer to? There have been different views regarding the proper age Jesus meant. Many theories have been advanced by
Scholars to this effect. Let us see through the process of esoteric science and Astrological calculation. These have revealed that there are 900 million of suns within our multi-various universes. We cannot see any of these suns from anywhere within our universe because each sun with her various planet have thick covering running into billions of miles before getting to other universe.
Each of these 900 million of suns with her planet is travelling on the space revolving around the central sun which is about 95 billion miles. Our sun travels at the rate of about 15,005 miles per second and return to it point of departure (making a revolution) before the end of every 26 thousand years.
However, the governing orbit of the sun in every revolution is known as the
zodiac and the zodiac is divided into twelve signs. It takes more than 2000 years
for our sun and her planets (solar system) to pass through one sign of the
Zodiac to another. The years or the period it takes the sun to pass through a
sign of the zodiac to another is the measurement of an age. It is believed by all critical students of metaphysical sciences that the solar system entered the Zodiacal sign of Pisces in 168 BC at the time Romans overcame the Greek at the battle of Pydna. This marked the beginning of the Piscean age said to be the age of water with the symbol of fish.
This was the age John the Baptist introduced the rite of water baptism, symbol of spiritual sanctification. Although the Piscean age began in 160 BC, yet in accordance with the astrological laws of transition the Piscean age ended in the 7th month in the year 1976.The students of astrological science try to explain Matthew 24 v 34"Verily i say unto you this generation (age) shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled", by saying that He was referring to the Piscean age which began in 168 BC, and also ended in 1976. Chronologically however, this means that before 1976 the second coming of Christ must be consummated.
Another acceptable view as regard the age which He was referring to is clearly seen in the prophecy of the Bible in accordance with the history of Israel. It is clear that Jesus was not referring to His age but to the generation that will witness when the fig tree which is Israel shall bud and put forth leaves. The length of one generation is 70-80 years as the Bible states that the life span of a man is three score and ten years(70)"and if by reason of strength they are (80) years" Psalm 19 v 10. To this end the year 1917 to 18 is the generation mentioned in the prophecy of Matthew. One may likely ask why is that year chosen? The year 1917 to 18 is not arbitrary, it agrees with the Bible
event. Jesus said "when you see the fig tree putting on tender leaves, you
know summer is near. Historically we are aware that 1917 to 18 was the year the
Jews regain Israel as their homeland.
On November 2, 1917 the British secretary Arthur Balfour, made this famous
declaration and said "his majesty government views with favour the
establishment in Palestine, a national homeland for the Jewish people". As
a matter of fact, the above declaration and British commitment to the nation of
Israel marked the beginning of the "last generation" because clearly
the fig tree (Israel) at this stage, tender and young had sprouted its first
leaves. In 1917, the British general Allenby captured Jerusalem from the ottoman Turks and because of his knowledge of the Bible, he remembered the significance of that event. Because the General was moving in the perfect will of God, record
showed that he fired no shot at the city before it fell into his hands....
It was said that General Allenby dismounted his horse, removed his hat and
entered the holy city with his head bowed.
Now from 1918 which is the year of the budding of the FIG TREE, many historic
events in recent time relative to Israel and other nations began to unfold
following our Lord's prophetic parable in Mark 13.
We should know that 30 years was the Jewish number for maturity; 40 years is
the Jewish number for testing; 50 years which is the Jewish number for
restoration and 70 years, which is the Jewish number for a generation.
From the foregoing, there is no doubt that Jesus was referring to this
present age which in all fairness witnessed the birth of the unborn in 1918.