The Prospects Of Prince Alex Mbata As Senator For Owerri Zone (1)


Prince Alex Mbata represents the new normal which Prof Nnamdi Obiaraeri opines is possible in the country. Going by his antecedents, Prince Alex Mbata is the embodiment of the new possibilities of effective, efficient, result oriented and honest representation of the Owerri people in the Senate. His success as an entrepreneur signposts it and his track records of community services validates the fact.

Like I have always said, Prince Alex Mbata represents the new aspiration, the new vision and consciousness. He is a new breed politician servant – leader who believes that human capacity enablement is the main crux of political engagements. With him, political office should be pressed to the needs of the people. For him, political power is given and held in trust on behalf of the people.

With him again, the trust is sacred and must be seen and held as such. For him again, the political office seeker must present his score cards of previous community services either as a private citizen or public elected officer as he seeks the mandate of the people.

In this regard, he comes with highly verifiable records of community developmental strides. Prince Alex Mbata is a noble and humble man who is not given to frivolities, wild and decorative talks. He is a man who favours the force of arguments rather arguments of force. He is an issue based politician who believes in clarity and purpose. He believes that the jurisprudential end of any law is the positive impacts such makes on the upliftment of the standard of life the people. Thus, to him, it is  not just law for the sake of it but law for the sake of human renaissance.

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