PAM: The Best Option For Owerri Zone


  Nze James Chinonyerem.

The beauty of democracy is the options given to the people to choose who is to lead them. In Nigeria, it is a four year electoral ritual. Sadly, in the past people got carried away out of sheer sentimental attachments on political parties and politicians because of primordial considerations. The results had always been total failures by those so elected to meet the needs of the people. Every four years, the people are misled, the same failed and floundering politicians would come up with an orchestra of blames, denials and coordinated lies to hoodwink the masses for a return to their positions.

However, things have changed. The people are now asking questions and seeking for answers. There is a political audit of sort going on. Gladly, there is a shake off of the shells of sentimental attachments on political parties. The considerations are now more on individual candidates. Their personal antecedents are the motivating factors and crucibles in the estimation of their integrity contents and capacities. The people are determined not to be fooled again. Collectively, they are united by the sufferings and disappointments they have been through in the hands of those who had enjoyed their mandates in the past.

In Owerri Zone, the wind of change is not only blowing, it is also knocking on every door like the harmattan wind. It is waking up everyone to the new political consciousness. Owerri people are on red alert. In all gatherings, the discussion is the same. The findings are the same. The people are united in the knowledge that the Zone had not faired well in terms of efficient and progressive representation in the Senate in the present dispensation.

To change this ugly trends, the people are in agreement that their best option is their new brand entrant into the race, Prince Alex Mbata, their son in whom they are well pleased, who not only understands their needs but also gives selfless practical expressions to the them. Their son who talks less but does more, who has constructed more than ten kilometers of quality roads across the Zone from his personal earnings, who has investments in the Zone that have given quality employments to hundreds of people across the Zone, who has lifted thousands of people across the Zone out of poverty lines through his humanitarian gestures, who has assisted the children from poor homes to assess education through scholarship programs across the Zone, who has lifted the quality of health deliveries through periodic interventions in renovations and equipment of health centres and many other laudable efforts towards human resource/capacity developments in the Zone.

Prince Alex Mbata comes with a new vision, mission and opportunities because he is a trustworthy person whose antecedents say much of the new possibilities he represents. Owerri Zone has an option in Prince Alex Mbata as the next Senator because his voice will be assured, his defence of the interests of the Zone will not be a theatrical posturing, it will be real. He will face the business of the house squarely in a most disciplined manner and not trade it off in garrulous hectoring, slugfest and scurrility.

The time is now for the much needed dawn for Owerri Zone of our common dream. A vote for Prince Alex Mbata, APC senatorial candidate for the Zone is what is needed to actuate the reality of the dream.

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